Sunday 1 April 2018

Intelligent People Suffer More while Unintelligent People Live a Happy Life

Intelligent people suffer more,while unintelligent people live happy Life

Hello Everyone this is my second blog.
As you already red the topic name 'intelligent people suffer more,while unintelligent people live a happy life' i am not going to mock someone because this is actually a formula for life and not for mocking. 
So its actually a fact and can be applied in life.
Here what i know about this topic is since last one week i have been applying this formula into my life and you all will not believe it at least 80% of my work is been completed.
Hope you all will get the maximum benefit from this topic.  


Generally most of the people prefer being the smart and intelligent being and and no one on this planet prefer to be dumb, but here whats the truth is.
The Dumb people does not know that they are dumb and live like a free bird and while on the other hand a smart being always spent their day trying to be smart and always checks and inquire whether such and such things are good to be there or portray or not.

Here what another truth is.
Most of the people those are dumb are more happy in this life than those among the intelligent people because those unintelligent one are happy through what they get while the intelligent being always are hyperactive to conquer more and more for which leads them to live a frustrated unhappy life than those among the unintelligent one.

The intelligent person think twice or thrice to take certain steps in life, mean while the dumb one completes the task till the smart one still thinks.
Almost 70% of the people think smartly and does not even take steps fearful of the risk onto the path, while 20% of the people think smartly and win the race while some of them tastes failure, but the dumber one thinks and just does the work without considering the consequences and those people either fail or lead a top class life.
At the time of failure those 20% intelligent people regret and spent the rest of their life regretting things for which they endeavored and  some of them becomes neutral and stays there through the rest of their life being fearful of further risk.
while the dumber one either celebrate their failure and without thinking takes next step or either stays there living happy to tell the tragedy to their loved ones.


There was small town on which many sensitive and intelligent people lived and one dumb person.

One night lights went out and after a while a news came that one thief switched off the main lever from the electric house just to rob at midnight.

The head of the village member asked the sensitive people please go and switch on the lever.
The sensitive people thought "why me, i have my family, if someone killed me so what will happen to my family"

Then the Head of the village grabbed the intelligent one.
"They started thinking that through which street it will be short-cut and can be no harm" and took time to only think and while on the thinking process they over thought everything and backed off due to fearfulness while mostly 4 to 5 people agreed to do the task.

Suddenly lights came and everywhere was bright inside the town, the head of the town including everyone was standing in a bunch and saw that the dumb guy was coming from the path which was leading to the electric house.
The head of the village asked "you knew the solution"
he replied "no, but as i knew the path so i went there and there was a board in which it was written LEVER so i just switched it on that's it.

The head asked "what about the thief?"

The guy replied " If that much  i thought about the thief and become fearful then how can i complete the task"


Since the last 2 months i don't know what little things was there making me frustrated every single second due to which my works were pending every single day.
Then one day i sat down silently in a dark room and thought very deeply that i was not suffering from any physical pain then what is the thing that is making me not do the things that are important to do everyday for my life.

The pain was on the mental level so i came to the conclusion by a solution that "Over Thinking and Fearful of future was making me more dull and frustrated day in and day out, and the only solution i got was to let go all thoughts and just focus on the work because at the end of your lifespan people will only recognize you by your work and not by your thoughts and if thoughts are good so will be your work" that's the best solution i was having.

Secondly, there is a Universal Law that "One should always think positive" and how one should being able to think positive?
The answer is one has to by force feed the mind positiveness because this mind is a source of bundle of thoughts most of which are attracted towards the negativity because of the surrounding.

So what i did is i welcomed all the unnecessary  thoughts and i just ignored and did my work without any fear for the consequences and here i am completed my 80% of the work by the weekend.

So Think Once and Act accordingly, Don't bother for the result and don't be fearful of the future Either we can win or we can fail, the worst is to think and do nothing.