Friday 16 March 2018


Hello friends My name is J Srikanth and this is my first blog on the topic of "The Mind" as you go further on this topic you'll notice how the mind manipulates and plays tricks,just to make you lack in everything and every goals which you have decided to achieve in your life.
The Mind is such a creation of the nature that if you utilize it in good way the mind is a very best friend of yours and if you ignore or let the mind be free it will become your greatest enemy.
In this topic i will give you the way to make your mind your best companion because mind cant be controlled,because it is the energy of nature just as we cannot control the natural disaster like earthquake or hurricane, the mind is also the creation of nature which cannot be controlled but can be made good companion or the worst enemy.

Also you can follow me on Instagram for Daily Quotes (Humorous, Motivational, Psychological and Social)


Have you ever been scared of your school or collage academic result or suppose when your boss tells you that you have to submit such and such report before evening or else you will be suspended or now a days it is common that a girl and a boy have intimacy and later onward the girl gets pregnant and imagine what situation and condition shall the boy and that girl will face further. 
Likewise there are many such cases in each individuals life.

1. Desire
2. Fame
3. Respect 
4. Wealth

These are the Weapons of mind.
 And Dumping you to the following conclusion

1. Anxiety
2. Depression
3. Stress
4. Panic Attack
5. Negativity
6. Fear
7. Tension

which can further cause to sleepless nights and hypertension days.


1. The moment you desire for something say it is for earning lots of money,you have to work hard day and night and don't think after getting successes or becoming wealthy you will be free. 'No' after successes you have to work more harder just to maintain the status,which leads you to anxiety because suppose you are working hard day and night and at last if you fail then it will be a miserable.

2. "The civilization sell their respect just to come under the boundary of name and fame". every individual has forgotten the culture and became lusty just to acquire names. A simple peaceful life will be not accepted by any civilian these days, they want fame,wealth,luxurious life. Hence these all are the attractions of the illusory world of ours people try to compare everything and become another identity by selling their time and money just to be in limelight. These are tricks of mind which baffles you and dashes you to depression and stress.

3.  Giving Respect to other is good but Expecting respect from other is the worst and most people lack in these small things. This is the major cause of conflicts and revenge. These disorder like respect,lust,greed all are the weapons of mind and one who lives on these platform are all suffering from anger. which further leads to ungraceful of one's being.

4. Where ever there is wealth, there is Ego. This Ego is such a disorder that leads you to loneliness.You'll see that the wealthiest person have a high standard of living and have to maintain their status and even in some cases the family member of such individual does not interact due to the egoism of such wealthy person. He/She just have interaction between the colleges And which leads to Loneliness further leading to uncontrolled mind and uncontrolled mind leads to suicide.



There is one Best Method and that is Detachment.
Detachment not from this world but from the daily activities and from the things which you target to achieve in your life and the works you do on a daily basis.

Just Know this thing that what you will acquire and earn in your whole life is not for yourself but for the sake of your loved one's.
You study because your father wants.
You Acquire a job not for yourself but for your family.
You earn money for your wife,children,and family.
You follow your passion not for yourself but is the decision of your mind which make you believe that is your passion and this will give you a satisfaction.

All the activities which you are been doing since your childhood will be gone after your death so whats the big deal about your money,your savings,your family,your passion, which are nothing but the illusion of mind which makes you bother and care for such things.

The Daily things which you do or the The things which you are planning to do in future all are to be done as a responsibility and not as an obsession with it.

You see even a boy who hope for getting A+ in all subjects will become nervous on the day of result not because he is sure he will get it but because he has done hard work and  have hope of getting it, but after concluding that he has didn't got any A+ in any subject makes him frustrated.
While on the other hand A boy who does not hope for getting any A+ but is happy if he is just passed, he will live a peaceful life and he will not even get frustrated if he has failed in any subject because he just did as a duty and not as an obsession.

So all are the tricks and plays of mind.
So be detached and live your dreams or do the daily work as a duty and not as an obsession to get something because at the end of the day it will be just YOU.